Viola van Alphen

Viola van Alphen - MBA, Master of Science, Master of Business Administration at VU University, Project Architecture and Design, Bachelor level

Director Stichting Art & Technology; 2015-present
Organiser and Curator Manifestations - Will the Future Design Us? (winner title: Best of Dutch Design Week 2016, which had 290.000 visitors); 2016-present
Managing Director and co-curator for the multimedia organization PLANETART (winner best-of Kunstvlaai 2011), yearly festival GOGBOT Arts, Media & Technology Enschede, 20.000 visitors (winner National Innovation Award).
Leader of several Second Life projects.
Managing Director and co-curator, Twente Biënnale, International Art Festival - brings controversial art about European society today, provokes debate.
Managing Director, co-founder, co-curator, TEC ART, Rotterdam Art Week: Art&Technology
Curator, IETM-Amsterdam event (European Theatre Meeting) "Digital Revolution", expo & sessions: The Way They Do It, The Parallel World: The Internet Of Things & Augmented Reality, Creative Storytelling: Transmedia & Transdisciplinary Storytelling, Wearables; 2016
Curator, Human & Technology, Ruhr Triënnale; 2016
Curator, Virtual Worlds Mash Up
Serves as Chairman / Board Member of four non-profit organizations pursuing cultural and educational missions.
Delivered over 30 invited presentations at universities, museums, and businesses around the world within the last 10 years: examples:
National Art Center Tokyo, WorldExpo Shanghai, TechFest Indian Institute of Technolgy India, Transmediale Berlin, ToShare Italy, Cellsbutton#02 Yogyakarta Indonesia, Conflux New York, Museum of Modern Art New York, ISEA Singapore, OHM, CCC, Institute of Crypto Anarchy Prague, International Filmfestival Moscow,
paneldiscussions, jury member, written over 50 publications in magazines, etc.
• Guest Teacher, Creative Technology, University of Twente, Twente; 2009 – 2014
• Guest Teacher, Computer Sciences, VU University Amsterdam; 2010
• Guest Teacher / Lecturer, Willem de Kooning Academie, Rotterdam; 2007
• Guest Teacher / Lecturer, Amsterdam Fashion Institute; 2007
• Guest Teacher / Lecturer, Sandberg Institute, Amsterdam; 2007
• Guest Teacher / Lecturer, Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam; 2007
• Event Project Leader, Mediamatic, Amsterdam; an art gallery, design institute, project space, and aqua-ponics farm. Created weekly events about online self- representation with lectures by university professors & artists.
• Over 150 articles written about me and my work in the last 9 years
• Co-developed the Atompunk theme with best-selling sci-fi author Bruce Sterling; 2008
• Mentioned in several books, i.e. as trendwatcher and innovator
She appeared in: Het Bestand – Arnon Grunberg 2015, song: The Dutch top 10 hitlist song Sarah- ” Ik laat me gaan”, was inspired on her (being the first person in the Netherlands to receive her .nl domainname). In WIRED – Bruce Sterling, SecondSight – Trendwatchers 2011, PROUD, No Future Nu (Leonor Jonker on history of Dutch punk/cyberpunk), etc etc.

Extended Resumé:


Personal Information

Name                drs. Viola Elise van Alphen, MBA

Date of birth             24 april 1979

Nationality                Dutch





The past is a kind of future that has already happened ..*






Master Business Administration, Economic faculty, VU University Amsterdam. MSc. Focus on Strategy, Marketing, International Business Law, Business Intelligence.
Extra courses: New Digital Media, Psychology, History, Political Sciences, Sustainable Development Policies 05-10. Parallel study: two years Communication Sciences 05-07


High Mathematics and Computer Science: University Nijmegen (KUN) 95-96


Art school from Arnhem, Nijmegen 95-97


Project Architecture and Design, HBO, Linnartz Private School, Nijmegen 03-05


BedrijfsHulpVerlening(07), Middenstandsdiploma(04), MBO+ Accountancy(04), MBO+ Management(05), Commercial techniques(05), Sociale Hygiene(10) etc etc.


VWO (incl organising activities, managing editor of the student newspaper, contacts with Mojo concerts, Warner Bros) 91-97





Management and consulting:


Marketing & Strategy consultant freelance, i.e. marketing plans and creative plans + realization for health care, ict and new media (viral, communities, mass creativity) 07-
Working in China 05

Childservices own business Nijmegen 94-99

Elderly services advisory business Groesbeek SIWOG 02-

Management Radio WANklank (board + cofounder free radio) 02

Architecture Business “Binnenhuisarchitectuur Nijmegen” creating healthy working and living environment. For individuals, estate agents and architects (clients i.e. Essent) 05-08

Board Functions:

Board member and Treasurer, CGO/COAX: Chello. 99-01

Coordinator KeerHetTij Nijmegen. Public relations, photographer, coordinator core group 03-05

Chairman Stichting Pangea. Foundation in Nijmegen that encourages cultural initiatives and decreases gap between government and initiatives 06-

Ideas Waiting to Happen. Bringing together artists, scientists, designers, technicians, to collaborate and develop new applications for new technologies, LED-light, for PHILIPS R&D 12




Communication and Technology:


Managing Director, organiser and project leader PLANETART multimedia organization: developing projects, project based teaching at schools, Rietveld Art Academy Amsterdam, Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam, strategist, publicity, lectures in Italy (ToShare) and Singapore (International Symposium on Electronic Art), Germany (transmediale.09), WorldExpo Shanghai, International Filmfestival Moscow, Conflux New York, MoMA New York, Japan Media Arts Festival, Techfest Mumbai, OHM, etc. 07-15


Co-organiser Technology & Multimedia festival GOGBOT: organiser academic symposium, finance, communication, coordination, design, technics, photography, etc. 07-15


Managing Director Twente Biënnale  09-15

Managing Director TEC ART - Art Rotterdam Week 13-

Organising project at Mediamatic about online self representation 08

Teacher University of Twente – Creative Technology 09 - 14   & Guestlecturer Creative Ethics, VU University Computer Sciene, Marketing, Guestlecturer KABK Royal Art Academy Den Haag, ArtEZ Academy Enschede...

Teacher: MAVO/HAVO/VWO classes mathematics and computerscienceEigenwijs” for difficult children (+implementation ICT)  00-01

Co-development Atompunk  theme with sci fi author Bruce Sterling 08


Internetspecialist: interviews about internet and women. First person in the Netherlands to have her own .nl domain name. Active on irc, twitter, facebook, flickr, vimeo, youtube, hyves, revver, usenet (first with own group in nl.* hierarchy), second life, the palace, cu2, lycos, happyvpro, paiq, linkedin, xing, chatme, as, aol, yahoo, google groups, volkskrantblog, web-log, wordpress, academic wordpress (uniblogs), icq, msn, yabber, twitter, etc etc etc. 97-


Wesseling Elektronica: network design, Novell, NT, MCSE 98


Programmer for Client Solutions, Tiel (including education Synon systems, now: Ordina consulting, ICT, outsourcing) 97


Journalist: HN-magazine, Impuls, several radio stations, economics magazine Avenir, also English and French articles. (Hans Teeuwen, Madonna, Rammstein, Marcel Wanders, travels to France, political situations, economical, design, new media) 94-


Media and Television:

     Artist, VJ & Machinima maker: PICNIC08, Kunstvlaai7, ISEA08, transmediale.09, Popronde, Studio 80 Rembrandtplein, Club Canvas, de Balie, exhibitions in i.e. Sarajevo, New York, Istanbul, Moscow, Indonesia.


     Media worker Media department de Balie (theatre, debate, cinema: support: camera, new media, streaming/sms. Amsterdam 05-


     Media worker Amsterdam television A2: political program Hoeksteen (Members of the City Council, members of the National and European Parliament) streaming & interaction viewers 05-


     Websitemaker, theatre co-producer, television maker, other (digital) media .. for diverse theatre production companies, TV-Amsterdam, for VPRO makers for Amsterdam television A1, etc. 99-


     Project co-manager for combining creative, technical and publicity people in the first 3D virtual reality art project in the Netherlands, Halima at SARA (St Academic Chamber of Computing) 01


     Worker and host LUX (Europeans biggest ART-plex: art-house cinema, debate, theatre, music, party) 01-04


     3D programming and research in Second Life for VU University, “creating a community of learners”. Teacher and Avatardesigner for Dutch government, Red Cross, art groups, Workshops, courses, coordination SL projects GOGBOT festival, first SL on TV (Amsterdam) & PICNIC event, production&design first European theatre play on SL, VJ act, lectures: Sandberg institute (post graduate programme), HvA Fashion Institute, several publications on Virtual Worlds and New Media, setting up new projects, psychological aspects, machinima team Submarine/VPRO project, etc 07 05-





Young Vacation work: bars, restaurants, shops, host, promotion, department assistant manager V&D 94-95


Languages: French, English, German, learning: Spanish, Italian.

Good knowledge of: Photoshop, InDesign (& Adobe Creative Suite), CMS, Cognos (datamining), ERP, HTML, Office (Word, Powerpoint, Excel...), PHstat, FRACTint (fractals), etc. At the age of 6 I learned to program (PET computer): easy learning of new systems.




persevere, stable, courageous, authentic, vision, sensitive, communicative, open minded.



Good in: Jack of all trades, perfect in stress-situations, curious towards learning & developing, don’t like unfinished work, perfect in getting-things-done and negotiation, seeing opportunities, honest, kind, communication bridge between organisation disciplines and pr, realistic and economical perspective.


Not good in: saying no, stopping at 5 o’clock, monotonous work, unfinished projects, everything that’s not perfect, being less optimistic.

*The past is a kind of future that has already happened - Bruce Sterling


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